Sunday 22 January 2012

Picking The Brains Of The Brethren...

Vestments 3Zephyrinus (the blogger, not the Pope) needs a little help in tracking down some information, and I was sure that someone "out there" in the Blogosphere would be only too eager to share their expertise.

I took the photos with my Galaxy Nexus phone camera, but they're quite good quality, and you can get a proper close-up look by clicking on the photos themselves (I loaded them up onto Flickr, again with my snazzy phone, not a USB cable in sight...)

Vestments 1Zephy acquired the vestments some time ago, and he can't remember where, and doesn't know anything of their history. He has a suspicion that they might be French in origin, but that's it. They are rather fine vestments, and he's keen to find out anything he can...

Any ideas? If you have, pop them in the combox...

Vestments 2


  1. Most grateful, Mac. Excellent pics, by the way.

  2. I'm afraid I've no idea on the vestments, but I must say that they are truly stunning.

    Also, I've taken the liberty of linking to your blog in my sidebar; I hope you don't mind! If you do, say so and I'll pull it. :)

  3. Katherine, it's no liberty, I assure you, it's a privilege! And, after looking at your excellent blog, I have added it to my blogroll as well...

  4. Many thanks for both the link and the compliment! A "twitch of the mantilla," as you would say.
