Sunday 4 December 2011

Latin Is Sooooooo Hard To Learn...

Tom sings in the visiting schola at Blackfen, and usually brings his family along for the Missa Cantata. His children love to join in the Marian anthem after Benediction, and really belt it out with gusto. I meant to record them at Benediction, when they would have been totally natural and unconcerned, but of course, it being Advent, we've started to sing the Alma redemptoris mater, and they aren't quite as confident with that one...

So, I persuaded Edward to sing the Salve regina in the parish club afterwards. He and his brother became a little self-conscious and shy, but he certainly knows his stuff... I forget how old the children are...


  1. What a splendid young man! Note perfect and word perfect. Wow!

  2. Westminster Cathedral Choir awaits!

  3. Edward is Four years old, and Martin has just turned 3.

    The children out sang the choir during the Marian anthem, at Mass today at St. Bede's.
