Thursday 24 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving !

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!


  1. Thanks... will have to try and whip up egg nog fresh -- not something they carry over here.

  2. God bless you, Mac...

  3. Thanks Mac! I;m eating early so I can get all the Black Friday deals at midnight (not)! Do you have a Black Friday or something "over there"?

  4. Thank you - and blessings to you too!

  5. And we should also note that Mac has joined the throng of print journalists with a whole page article in the Advent magazine that was inserted into the Catholic Herald this week. Well done!
    However in the spirit of that old HMV advert, will you submit the article to test to destruction by the Monsignori who kindly allow you to share their residence?

  6. Brilliant idea, John, but I am not quite sure who I would put up against my article for comparison...
