Sunday 2 October 2011


2011 10 01_0106It is rather amusing to reflect that, at the Blackfen Blognic yesterday, His Hermeneuticalness delivered his talk on Catholics and the new media without actually employing any techno-wizardry himself...

The Reluctant Sinner has posted a much more detailed account of the day, so do go and check him out.


  1. He doesn't need to use any.

    I love listening to people who know what they are talking about and can speak well.

    I hate Powerpoint etc.

    Miss Leutgeb is very into chalk and talk. Anything else is just a distraction.

  2. It was lovely day!

    His Hermeneuticalness is a great guy and not nearly as scary as I thought he would be.

    Between you and I, I'd never attended an EF Mass before. WOW!

    I'll link your excellent piccy's tomorrow.
