Saturday 17 September 2011

New Look...

A new academic year has started for us here in Merry Old England. It's a pretty exhausting time for teachers (IMHO) - at least until we've sussed out our new timetables and classes... and in some cases, new exam specifications as well.

To celebrate the fact that I'm not as zonked out as I was last weekend, I have revamped the blog layout just a little. I had a look at the "Dynamic Views" option as described by His Hermeneuticalness, and decided that I like the idea, so that option has found its way into the sidebar, as has the option to have updates from the blog emailed to you. Personally I prefer to use Google Reader for that sort of thing, but, if it floats your boat...

I think the colour scheme and background picture are pretty much set - it's my trademark "look," I think. Do tell me what you think of the overall effect, and I'm interested in any suggestions you may have for further improvements...


  1. Very nice clean layout, and mercifully uncluttered.
    There is one blog ( not a UK one) which I like very much, but I never click over on to it from Google because what with all the blinkies and photos it takes too long to load the page.

  2. Thanks Clare!

    If the blog you mention is a Blogger blog, you might be able to view it as a sidebar or a flipcard, which might speed things up a tad...

  3. To quote a well-known phrase, 'yeah, wot she said!'

    A good clear design which is interesting yet without too many distractions makes any blog much more pleasing to read.

    Glad you're settling into the new term well and finding enough time to blog too :-)

  4. I like the new look. Full marks!

  5. Very nice, but all your older posts seem to have vanished from my RSS feed. Errr?

  6. Aaaaagh! Scrub the last comment. I'd got duff settings in Google Reader. All there, ma'am.

  7. Deep breath. Get own house in order. OK. Now I'll re-start.

    Excellent job, Mac. Very nice clean look and feel to the new arrangement.

  8. Good redesign. Nice and easy to read. Still got to sort out the stop-start scrolling on your blogsite (not only yours, as it happens).
    It looks as though my ageing pc finds it difficult to cope with pages loaded with background furniture, so my prob not yours.
