Friday 16 September 2011

First Friday...

Not the first Friday of the month, but the first Friday on which Catholics in England & Wales had to observe the abstinence from meat as mandated by the Bishops' Conference.

I don't normally eat breakfast, but was absolutely starving this morning, so popped downstairs to the school canteen when it opened for breakfast. I eschewed the bacon rolls on offer, and one of the cooks made me an egg muffin instead.

There was a certain amount of satisfaction in the change from "an odd person who doesn't eat meat on Fridays" to "a Catholic."


  1. Do the cats have to abstain from meat on Friday, too?

  2. As they are not possessed of immortal souls, I felt that it wouldn't be necessary to impose the Friday abstinence on the Monsignori, despite them both being good practicing cat-licks...

    Admittedly, Furretti did have salmon Felix yesterday. Miaowrini preferred duck Whiskas...
