Saturday 2 July 2011

The Truth Behind China's One-Child Policy...

Back in April, I wrote a short post on the shameful silence of so-called "pro-choice" organisations (such as Marie Stopes) on the enforcement of the one-child policy in China.

Reggie Littlejohn posted a link in the com-box to a video report she'd made on the forced abortions and sterilisations happening in China. I felt that it deserved a wider audience, so I'm giving it a post of its own...


  1. China's one child policy has other terrible side effects, not least the fact that the single child grows up treated as a minor deity. That makes for a selfish, insular, arrogant character.
    There is also the hypocrisy of the one child policy; if you have money you can 'buy' extra pregancies for your wife and yourself. Authority turns a blind eye for a price.

  2. Serious social problems are being predicted because of the one child policy in China. Both there and in India the ratio of male to female babies is increasing as parents choose to get rid of the female foetus in preferernce for a son.
    Here the talk about women's rights is about going around half dressed, getting bladdered, having sex at will. Yet the most important right - the right to life - is denied millions of girls and the so-called feminists remain silent.
    In so many other countries in the 21st century women are as nothing. In the West men and women in power nod their heads sympathetically and that's about it.
    The video is truly shocking. May Our Lady give strength to this courageous woman and her campaign and give comfort to our poor sisters in their pain.
