Friday 29 July 2011

Possible Pruning Of Blogrolls...

I am contemplating a further change to the design of my blog.

Yesterday I had just a single post showing, and I suddenly realised, as I scrolled down, how very unwieldy my blogrolls have become. I think I shall create a page or two for the blogrolls, and only have a small selection of blogs on the main sidebar, possibly the most recently updated blogs, with their latest posts.

It's just a thought - I'd quite like to be free to put other stuff in the sidebar...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:59 pm

    What would perhaps be a great resource would be a list of categories under which different posts could be found. I came across this on a blog recently and it was extremely helpful in providing easy means of identification and access to interesting posts on different subjects irrespective of the date they were posted. I actually decided to rearrange my own blog because I found it so useful on this other blog.

    Otoh, while I don't have a big blog roll myself, I have found interesting blogs through other people's blog rolls so that is often a good resource to people as well. I usually assume that the people who find my wee blog already know about the other and bigger blogs where extensive blog rolls are provided.
