Friday 10 June 2011


There are rumours circulating... I have heard that CAFOD has taken to cold-calling previous donors, and has been putting pressure on in order to raise funds...

If CAFOD wants to enjoy a privileged position as a Catholic charity with collections taken at Masses, it should have to support Catholic teaching...


  1. Of course you are absolutely right, and as they stand I would not give them a penny.

  2. Anonymous7:42 am

    Yes, indeed - And spend more frugally on buildings and staff.

  3. I haven't donated to CAFOD for yonks. Aid to the Church in Need gets my support.


    the links show where some of the dosh is going - a far cry from the Catholic organisation that once boasted how little was spent on salaries, administration etc. – I know people who are still giving generously under this misapprehension and are appalled to hear how many people are employed and on what salaries and perks (probably far exceeding what most of their givers are on), how cosy they are with the secular sector of the international aid industry and their doctrines of ‘women’s reproductive health rights’, population control policies and the whole ‘green’ agenda.

    Our local area office's telephone no. is blocked on my phone system, their emails consigned to junk...oh, and they'll be pleased to know that, "in the interest of stewardship" (a new PC ‘in’ phrase they seem to bandy about), I leave out for recycling all the paper and cardboard they insist on sending through the post.
