Saturday 11 June 2011

A Few More Photos From Lourdes...

A little selection of the photos I took this year...

First of all, is there anywhere round here that sells rosaries or statues...?

Mass in the St. Gabriel Chapel - the plaques on the wall are in thanksgiving for prayers answered, or requests for prayers for the benefactors' intentions...

The first Mass in the chapel was a "catechetical Mass" celebrated by Fr. Charles, while Fr. Tim explained what was happening to the younger children, and led some prayers (such as an Act of Contrition) at appropriate points...

The weather was a bit grim, which made the photos a little more "atmospheric"

We had one Mass in the austere but beautiful Crypt of the parish church...

Dean Peyramale has a statue outside the church...

...and I think that he is buried in the Crypt.

I always thought it strange that, although he was portrayed very harshly in the accounts I'd read of the life of St. Bernadette, there were quite a few positive references to Dean Peyramale in the town, as well as the statue outside the parish church. The newer film about St. Bernadette (the one starring Sydney Perry) shows him in a much kinder light, and, given how positively he is represented in the town of Lourdes, it is probably more accurate.

I can hardly believe that it's only been a week since we returned... roll on next year's trip!

1 comment:

  1. Like the idea of the 'catechetical Mass' - perhaps the LMS and parishes introducing the Usus Antiquior could organise some of these (and publicise them). I'm sure many people, not just the youth, would find these valuable.

    With the new translation of the missal coming out, perhaps there is also an opportunity for some similar catecheis for those who worship in the Ordinary Form. Priests take note!
