Wednesday 6 April 2011


Groups such as Marie Stopes insist that they are "pro-choice." So why are they not loudly condemning China's one-child policy which uses forced abortions and sterilisations?

Instead, Marie Stopes International welcomed China's Minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission, Lin Bin, to its London offices.

The one-child policy is being carried out with the cooperation of groups such as Marie Stopes International, the United Nations Family Planning Association (UNFPA) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) - these are listed as abortion providers operating in China. In 2008, the U.S. Secretary of State identified the UNFPA as being complicit in coercive family planning.

Back in 1991, the UNFPA representative in China stated that the reports of coercion were exaggerated. Well, it seems that the coercion is so exaggerated that family members are being murdered by the Family Planning officials, and nothing is done about it.

Marie Stopes, the UNFPA and IPPF and their ilk aren't pro-choice. They're anti-life.


  1. Well said, that is exactly right.

  2. Good post, I do love it when double standards are revealed.

  3. Don't forget that you can come and pray outside marie stopes Central London abortuary, 108 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EA, Monday to Friday 9am-1.30pm. This vigil is organised by the Good Counsel Network.

  4. It's not just anti-life, it's making shed-loads of money which drives them.
    The more lives they snuff out, the wealthier they get.
    They're following the money and heading for the next world power economy because that's where the crock of gold sits, atop the mountain of dead babies.

  5. To watch a four minute video exposing the truth about forced abortion in China, click here:

    Stop Forced Abortion – China’s War on Women! English Video (4 mins)
