Monday, 18 April 2011

Palm Sunday...

2011 04 17_0023Yesterday was really hectic, as I explained in my previous post, and I didn't have a chance to edit and upload my photos - adding the titles and stuff to Flickr is a slow process for me! However, the Easter Holidays are upon us, so I had time this morning to attend to photostream housekeeping.

2011 04 17_0037Yesterday's Mass was absolutely amazing. It took 53 minutes before we got to the Introit, and then, after the preliminaries, the chanting of the Passion took another 40 minutes. Although the Passion seems to go on forever (especially if one is standing - though I decided to avoid straining my knee and wimped out) the Mass as a whole really doesn't seem long. I was really surprised to discover that the whole celebration had lasted two and a half hours. The only reason I'm sure about the timings is that I'd been asked to make a note of them, for future reference!

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The deacon and subdeacon both wore folded chasubles, and the deacon also wore the broad stole (which is also a folded chasuble) at various points. The New Liturgical Movement site has an excellent article on the use and development of the folded chasuble if you want to read more about it.

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Do pop over to my Flickr account and have a look at all the photos I took yesterday. I'm really pleased with them - my little Canon IXUS camera was one of the best purchases I've made, and it's given me a tremendous amount of pleasure. I am contemplating investing in a "proper" camera, so that I can take up photography as a serious hobby. Then again, maybe I don't need to!


  1. I believe I was at the rival venue, Clapham Park for approximately three hours. It was Superb. I will be attending the full triduum at Clapham Park this year.

  2. Anonymous8:24 pm

    I'll check out the pictures. The Mass I attended was long, too, and poor Father chanted the Passion all by himself! He deserves a medal for not losing his voice. Have a blessed Holy Week, Mac.

  3. Superb! What wonderful photographs - don't worry about a 'proper' camera.

    What an extraordinary event, quite splendid. One sees so clearly the inherent superiority of the Old Rite over fabricated, committee-work productions.

    A very blessed Triduum and Pascha!

  4. Thank you for these pictures. Beautiful, indeed.
    And great to see Dr. Hemming; I met him at the CIEL conference in Oxford in 2006 and am glad to see him again.
