Sunday 10 April 2011

I Wasn't Going To Blog About Blognics, But...

Bones has put up the Rome Reports video clip about the Vatican's conference for bloggers, and Fr. Tim posted his translation of the notice which went out inviting bloggers to the event. I share Jane's frustration about the short notice: it seems that the Vatican officials figured that, since many bloggers would possibly be in Rome for the beatification of Pope John Paul II, it would be a good time to hold the conference. Actually, I think that many bloggers will be blogging on the beatification from the comfort of their own homes... the bunfight for flights and hotel rooms around the time of the beatification doesn't bear thinking about.

In addition, there's no guarantee that you'll get a ticket. They've limited the event to 150 seats. Fr. Z has pointed out that the rules for selection of the lucky attendees appear to be a little unclear...

Hilary White wondered whether the application process might be being carried out with a view to excluding the more outspoken bloggers. She decided to hold an alternative event: the *other* Catholic Blogger Rome Blognic. You can find out more on the Facebook Event Page. It seems that there will be a couple of talks, and Michael Voris (who does The Vortex on Real Catholic TV) has agreed to speak. THAT is a definite coup. Beer and pizza will also feature. That already marks the event out as streets ahead of the official Vatican one.This has provoked thoughts of bank robbery to flit enticingly through my mind (because that is the only way I would be able to get to Rome.) Through heroic effort, I have rejected such temptations, and am now weeping and wailing and generally bemoaning my misfortune.

A glimmer of hope has been waved in my general direction. Hilary has promised that there might be Skype or some such techno-wizardry which will enable those of us not corporeally present to be present in a bit more than spirit.


  1. What kinda of Digital Community would we be if we couldn't get that sort of even "skyped" or "webcasted"? Ya know?

    Seriously, there is zero way, aside from bank robbery, that I could get to Roma, but I do have the interwebs and my trusty Mac laptop, which can transport me thousands of miles in mere seconds!

    I hope the "webcast" comes to fruition!

  2. £60 RyanAir. Round Trip. Edinburgh-Rome-Edinburgh.

  3. Dammit, Seraphic. Now I'm really green with envy...

  4. I'm not going either...
