Tuesday 5 April 2011

A Hair-Raising Effort...

You might remember my mentioning a little girl called Beatrix who wanted to donate her hair to help make wigs for children who'd lost their own hair through illness, and she had the wonderful idea of getting sponsorship to support her favourite charity.

Well, all went according to plan. Her hair was chopped off into a very fetching bob, and so far she has raised £1202 - more than her initial target of £1000. The charity page is still open for donations, if any of you are so inclined.

1 comment:

  1. As beautiful as Beatrix is on the outside, she is even infinitely more beautiful on the inside. What a huge heart. A few years back I was visiting a young parishioner in the hospital for a serious ailment. As I was leaving one day I saw a little girl, not much older than Beatrix , walking hand in hand with her day, slowly and carefully. She was in her pj's and dressing gown, wheeling an IV next to her. She was bald, but had the face of an angel, I smiled at her, and she gave a shy smile back. [Far too many people instantly look away from obvious cancer patients, making them even more self-conscious.] I think of Beatrix giving her hair to another precious child and I know God is smiling. What a kind, caring thing to do.
