Wednesday 13 April 2011

Guild Of Catholic Bloggers - Planning Meeting

The Reluctant Sinner is really getting up a head of steam. A meeting is being organised for Saturday May 7th, from 2:00-4:00pm - the Sinner will be providing tea and coffee from 1pm if people want to bring their sandwiches.

The meeting will be held in the Hinsley Room next to Westminster Cathedral - it's a stand-alone building behind St Paul's Bookshop and St Vincent's School, on Morpeth Terrace.

Sadly, I'll be busy that day, but if you can attend, then do leave a comment in the Reluctant Sinner's combox.


  1. Thank you for mentioning this, and sorry you won't be able to make it.

    We will keep you, and all other bloggers, in our prayers that day :-)

  2. ...on something completely different, Custos Fidei has given birth to

    Check it out and see if it is worthy of inclusion on your blogroll!

    In Jesus, Mary, & Joseph,

    Custos Fidei

  3. Tito - I have on my Google Reader already - I hadn't realised that I hadn't put a link up (though it'll go in News Blogs rather than anywhere else... Thanks for alerting me!
