Thursday 24 March 2011

I Hate British Summertime...

I do not, of course, mean that I hate Summer. I hate British Summer Time, also known as BST. Those initials are quite apposite, really... they just need the addition of a "D" on the end to make my feelings clear...

BST involves putting the clocks forward an hour. I have a vague idea that, back in the mists of time, this was necessary to give farmers an extra hour's daylight, or something of that ilk, but I never did quite get my head around why we need to continue with it. Cattle and other livestock don't use clocks, they respond to daylight, so putting the clocks forward merely means that your average farmer has to get up "earlier" to milk the cows, and stay up later. And people like me lose an hour's sleep, and have to struggle to get up in the morning because there isn't any daylight to help reset one's body clock... just when I was beginning to get the hang of mornings again...

It occurred to me that the clocks were due to be mucked around with some time soon. The lateness of Easter this year has messed up my internal calendar... I decided to Google it, and discovered that, oh frabjous day! we are due to commence BST this Sunday.

I am now going to go and sulk...


  1. Daylight savings time here. Started two weeks ago. I expect to be adjusted just in time to switch back in November.

  2. Grumpy! It's only an hour, after all.... ;-)

  3. Try to look on the bright side! An extra hour in bed in October!

  4. Here in Canada we went through this annual perversion almost two weeks ago.

    I'm adjusting . . . sort of . . .but it almost makes me long for November, when I get my hour back.

  5. It was World War I! The war cabinet did it to increase industrial efficiency or something. They also introduced pub closing times and changed the Irish time zone (we used to be 45 minutes behind Great Britain). Blame Lloyd George!!

  6. Don't know who to blame in the U.S., but it makes me grumpy, too!
    I am SO not a morning person! I know, I know, "Offer it up."
