Sunday 6 February 2011

Yes, I Have Hopped On The Bandwagon...


Yes, ok, I shall admit it... I have been persuaded to give my blog a bit of a facelift. In this I am following the good example set by Fathers Finigan, Boyle and Blake (though, to be fair, I think Fr. Ray changed his blog a while back!) I haven't changed the blog since its creation in 2006, so it really was time for an overhaul, if only to improve loading speeds on mobile phones and whatnots...

Looking at what the good Fathers have done, I suspect that I have chosen the better part (well, the better template anyway!) - I hate having to read light text on a dark screen. My background photo, for anyone who is interested, is shown above, and is one I took at the Marian Procession at Lourdes last year. I think that the blue sky maintains some continuity with my previous colour scheme as well, so the changes won't be quite so much of a shock...

Consider yourselves lucky... Deo volente (who has also had a blog makeover) was trying to provoke me into aubergine or Papal Tartan!

UPDATE: Fr. Brown has done it too... That's the problem with reading blogs via Google Reader - you miss this sort of thing...


  1. It's lovely! And very easy on the eye.
    Now I feel almost shamed into doing something about mine-it's looking distinctly tatty..

  2. AUBERGINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Change? New templates? I am a traditionalist, I can't cope with all these makeovers :-)

    NB: Actually it looks good.

  4. Very handsome indeed. Well done!

    (Now if you could only gently steer Father Finigan away from light text on dark background ....)

  5. I'm liking it :)

  6. The woman said she once tried "aubergine." I will let her expound on that story but it involves "colorations."

    She also simply went bonkers over the gorgeous tartan prepared for His Holiness on his visit to Scotland. I simply thought that a bit of the Scot would look quite nice.

    It is a beautiful design, Mac. Even if it is missing the aforementioned "aubergine." Maybe a dab somewhere?


  7. ...And dandy it looks too!

  8. Oh, I like it!

    And add my voice to the plea for black text on white background, please! After almost sixty years of avid reading, my brain does not want to process the reverse.

    Thank you for an update that is both beautiful and comfortable.

  9. Excellent makeover. Simple, easy to read in the best traditions of newpaper and web design.
    WOB is dramatic but too much of it combined with the over-use of techrobatics (is this a man thing?) can defeat the message.
    You've hit on the Goldilocks factor.

  10. You've inspired me to try a custom background too :) I would welcome your thoughts...
    A x

  11. Well done! I really like it too. No need to say any more :-)

  12. Anonymous9:52 am

    I like it. I am starting to think about my blog again now Lent approaches - time to intensify those prayers for Bishop KC! Maybe a blog makeover will encourage me.
