Sunday 20 February 2011

Time For A Short Break...

I'm off to the Faith Theological Symposium for a few days. I won't have access to a computer (at least I don't think so) and I am not sure what the phone reception will be like, so the blog might be hors de combat for the week.

I'm rather nervous about leaving the kittens in charge of the flat. I might not have any books or statues left when I return...


  1. Mac:

    Do let us know that someone will be coming in to feed them during your absence!

  2. Ummmmm... I knew there was something I'd forgotten...


    My next-door neighbour is mad about cats as well, and she's happy to come in and feed them breakfast, and play with them for a while before feeding them dinner. She used to look after Sylvester for me when I was away!

  3. Anonymous1:26 pm I know where there will be a kitty party during the week!

  4. Your flat will be okay, but you'll get it in the neck when you return.
    Just hope they don't leave little parcels of their displeasure in unexpected places.
