Sunday 2 January 2011

Not The Best Of Starts...

One of my (many) New Year's Resolutions was to make much more of an effort to get up early, and especially to ensure that I spend half an hour in the church before Mass (I've been slacking of late!)

I was therefore not amused to discover that I'd slept through my alarms this morning. Fortunately, the kittens were hungry and amused themselves by reaching under the duvet to see if they could touch my toes. They could. But only if they extended their claws...

I have since discovered that this affected any iPhone users who had single alarms set. Fr. Z was almost caught out by it too, so I'm in good company.

I am getting ever so slightly hacked off with iPhone glitches... Oh well, only one more year of my contract to go...


  1. Don't let the little things put you off. I quite freely admit to being a bit of a mobile phone tart, going with all and any model available, but in balance, nothing beats the iPhone 4. The range of Catholic apps on the iPhone is second to none, the hardware features are finally able to compete with other devices, and the battery life on the iPhone 4 is top drawer for a smartphone.

  2. Android phones are the way to go. Better half has a Nokia Symbian operating system phone, it's glitchy too.

  3. Clever little kittens. So cute. So lovely. So sharp-clawed little devils. Delighted to hear that they are now settled in. Plus, off topic, no mention at all, Mac, about England's sensational performance in Australia against the inept Aussies !!! Being a world-famous authority on cricket, how does Mulier Fortis view the impending "shellacking" of Australia's best ?
