Sunday 28 November 2010

Kitty Capers...

I won't cut the kitty-posts out completely, especially as so many people ask me how they're getting on... (Yes, I realise they could just be being polite, but it suits me to take the requests at face value... especially as I've got a stinking cold and so don't feel like putting up anything more serious!)

I'm on the Ground Floor, so, once it gets dark, I prefer to have the curtains drawn. This has provided extra entertainment for the Dynamic Duo, as they can play hide and seek. One kitten each side of the curtains, and then they have to try and pounce on the other.

I've taken four short video clips of their antics...

By the way, I have decided that the black and white kitten is to be called Monsignor Miaowrini in honour of the Papal Master of Ceremonies, Monsignor Guido Marini... it is rather appropriate because she is a sweet, unassuming little kitten, cute as a button, but she can get extremely vocal when she wants something!


  1. Great Fun. Nice curtains.

  2. Thanks for letting us have a peek at the fun!

    Though your curtains will never be the same.

  3. Purrfect name, and Oh what fun! You may need new curtains soon though.... And of course we're sincere.

  4. Adorable! Of course, as has already been pointed out, you will soon have confetti where your curtains used to be!

  5. I'm hoping that the kittens will realise the curtains can't support their weight as they get just that little bit bigger...

    Of course, I am probably indulging in wishful thinking...

  6. Anonymous10:54 am

    Curtains and kittens! Explosive combination!!!

  7. Yes, Mac, wishful thinking. For example, the late, great Rocky the Striper-Puss, who grew up to be a very long, tall, heavy cat, never got over thinking he was still tiny enough to curl up on my chest, under my chin.

  8. I forgot to say, I hope you get over your cold soon, in the meantime I recommend: A little brandy, hot water, lemon juice and honey. It might not chase the cold away but it feels as if it does.

  9. Miaowrini, oh yes! Glad they appear to have bonded. I was very impressed (re previous pix) by Miaowrini's determination to stand her ground, even though intimidated by Furretti's territorial claims. I think they are both gorgeous. Having grown up with cat-owning parents I miss having a cat around the place - lifestyle does not permit - although I've been adopted by a neighbour's moggie.
