Thursday 23 September 2010

Lacking Inspiration...

Was it really only a week ago that the Holy Father came to these shores?

After the intensity of the past few days, I'm feeling rather washed out and lacking in inspiration for the blog. I have several things simmering gently in draft form, but they're not quite ready.

However, all is not lost. A few weeks ago I decided to record the Litany of Loreto, which we usually chant after the Rosary on a Thursday evening at Blackfen. It's a beautiful prayer, calling for the intercession of Our Lady under her many titles, such as "Morning star," "Tower of ivory" and "Refuge of sinners."

I think it sounds even more beautiful in Latin...

Sorry for the grotty camera angle - I had to leave the camera on the pew and go and sit to the side so as not to swamp the microphone... I considered not joining in with the chant for all of, oooh, 10 seconds, but it's one of my favourites, so I just left the camera in place. It took me a little time to move far away enough, as I didn't want to rattle the crutches too much.



  1. Thank you.
    We chant this on Saturdays and Sundays (when we can) in honor of our Lady.
    It really is sublime.
