Sunday 18 July 2010


Why is it that people get so exercised over the Catholic Church's declaration that she cannot ordain women to the Priesthood?

Being a priest is not a simple matter of playing a part, or performing a role. Ordination is a Sacrament which changes the soul for all eternity.

It's got nothing at all to do with power or equal opportunities.

Men and women are equal before God, but that is not to say that they are the same.

What is so difficult to understand about that?


  1. I accept the church's teaching on an all-male priesthood but I don't understand it - I don't think it's fair for you to dismiss people who don't, it *is* difficult to understand. Because what an all-male priesthood implies is that there is an ontological (rather than simply physical) difference between men and women, that there is something different about the human soul of man and the human soul of a woman - but it's not at all clear to me what that difference is.

  2. I agree. Men give spiritual life via the priesthood and women give physical life via motherhood. Each have their own role before God. Each is vitally important.

  3. Difficult to understand (for many) as (as ex PP put it) 'it does not conform to the western liberal secularist mindset.'

  4. I fear that the answer is that some people simply can't understand that human reasoning is NOT the last word; and that we have to defer to God's will.

    Sadly,the advances - and there have been many - of the last hundred years have persuaded many people that the human mind is the ultimate answer : which leads to people like Richard Dawkins, and attitudes like the one to which you refer.

  5. Because all ministers of religion are no longer regarded by society as someting "special", a caste apart. They are regarded as employees, office olders, service providers. In the Church of Scotland, assistant ministers have written Terms and Conditions of Engagement re hours, remuneration, duties, et cetera.

    At one time the law of the State give a wide measure of discretion to Churches to deal with internal matters. Now it is no longer the case. Perhaps there are a number of reasons:

    1. The weakness of the Canon Law system to deal adequately with discipline and grievances over the last thirty years.
    2. The general attitude of the State that it must intervene in all spheres of activity. It cannot allow unregulated private power. Everything must be subject to State regulation. If not, the State suspects there will be abuse of power.
    3. Priests and clergy are no longer regarded by their congregations as something "special". Indeed they have been encouraged by the bishops, clergy and others to do so. The proper understanding of the sacrament of ordination is not widespread.
    4. The acceptance of the principle of "equality" to all of society by all of society as being one of the fundamental values of society
    5. There is too much talk in and about the Church in terms of "power". Papal elections are talked about by the media as if they were General Elections between "liberals" and "conservatives". This can be seen in Catholic media and blogs too. Is it not surprising that the Church is seen as another human entity in society and to be dominated by a "male patriarchy."
    6. As religion has declined, its values have been supplanted by secular civic values such as equality. It is such values which are now seen as the "glue" which holds society together rather than shared religious values
    7. The majority of people do not believe in the Sacraments any more. Any idea of the supernatural is regarded as "superstition".
