Monday 26 July 2010

Fantastic Blog...

I have discovered another blog to add to my roll. It is, unfortunately for me, in Portuguese, but Google translate lets me get the general gist of it. Called "The Dignity of Catholic Women," it has all sorts of good stuff on family, modesty, purity and such like.

Go and visit.


  1. I don't know which family annoys me more: The Catholic family that lets their sons "pimp out" and their daughters dress like hookers in training. OR the Catholic family where all the girls look like they are dressed in "Fatima, 1908" or "Duggar dowdy" style and the sons are dressed in vile fitting black suits and ties and WHITE socks - so unput together Amish kids would say "That dude is square."

  2. Hello Brothers in Christ,


    I'm from Brazil and want to give my best wishes to you.

