Wednesday 28 July 2010

Book Alert...

I have a confession to make: I still haven't finished reading Jesus of Nazareth, by the Holy Father. It's on my "to do whilst horizontal" list - unfortunately, if the past few days are anything to go by, I won't get much reading done, as the painkillers tend to make me zonk out as soon as I put my feet up.

The bits I have read are very good, though, so I intend to persevere. I've even downloaded a copy of the audiobook version onto my iPhone, so that if the words start wandering around the page (the painkillers are very good) I can try to listen to it.

Jane, from her Oasis over there in France, reports that the Holy Father is working on a book about the infancy of Jesus. I think that he has a book due out this Autumn - but I wasn't sure if this was the infancy book, or whether it's the third one in the series. I recall reading somewhere that the Holy Father had planned his work to be in three parts, each of which would be capable of being read alone...

Anyway, it looks as if I'm going to have to invest in another bookshelf...

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