Thursday 17 June 2010

More Of Those Lourdes Photos...

My snazzy camera is coming up to its first birthday, and I have to say that I have had a tremendous amount of pleasure using it. I haven't really experimented much with it, as the normal point-and-click photos have been pretty good, and I haven't wanted to mess anything up.

Some of the photos I managed to get in Lourdes were very good (even if I do say so myself!)

I took a few at the Torchlight Procession one evening - for some reason it seemed much lighter than in previous years... which is pretty nonsensical, as the pilgrimage is at pretty much the same time of year, and the length of the days is therefore much the same... However, the weather was better, which might have had an effect...

This one was taken just outside the Chapel of St. Michael, as there was a very large Mass being celebrated at the Grotto (I'm not sure which group) with pilgrims even participating on the other side of the Gave River, opposite the Grotto...

And, finally, this was a photo which cried out "postcard" to me, apart from it being slightly crooked. I promise I didn't touch up the colours... Unfortunately, standing at the edge of the area outside the Crypt of the Immaculate Conception Basilica, I couldn't get the whole of the spire into the shot. I shall experiment with a few of my photos to see if I can photoshop it together...

More photos to follow soon!


  1. WOW!
    Very impressive...Lourdes must be a wondrous site to make pilgrimage; the intercession of our Lady of Lourdes made it possible for me to enter the Church in 1977, for which I am ever grateful to Her.

  2. Here's a link to some pictures from the International Military Pilgrimage this year. I think we just missed yours!
    These photos were taken by our Regimental Photographer who is not a Catholic. Neither were any of the soldiers I took along with my group.

  3. They are beautiful pics, Mac: what sort of camera do you use?

  4. Thank you, Father. I have a Canon IXUS 100 IS which is 12.1 Mega Pixels, though I reduce the size of the photos for the blog.

    I simply adore my little camera... it is definitely pocket-sized (it's smaller than my phone)but it takes really good pictures. Definitely one of my better purchases...

    It also takes pretty amazing video footage...

  5. Thanks, Mac: I've just bought one on eBay!

  6. It arrived this morning, and it seems splendid. Thanks for the tip-off. Mac.
