Saturday 3 April 2010

An Early Easter Present...

This afternoon, I was given a very unexpected early Easter gift... I left my house to buy some last-minute Easter eggs, and was surprised to see my own little car sitting in the courtyard.

On contacting the garage owner who was fixing my car, he told me that he'd been able to locate a gearbox from Sheffield... and it had been delivered miraculously quickly, against all his expectations... and the fitting had taken less time than anticipated...

So, I have my car back. Deo gratias...

Of course, tomorrow I shall be car-less because I intend to have a drink or two in the parish club after Mass...


  1. Delighted you had a nice surprise and got your car back much earlier than anticipated, Mac. A Very Happy Easter to you.

  2. Glad you got her back! You don't miss your car until you don't have it!

  3. Have several, Mac, and one more for me - we deserve it this Easter!

  4. Delighted to hear you've been reunited! :-)
    Happy Easter!

  5. A blessed Easter to you, MF!
    May the Lord give you every grace and blessing!
