Sunday 28 March 2010

Palm Crosses For Palm Sunday...

I made several crosses from my palm leaf, following a method my father once showed me. It's not a very good method, and, as the palm dries out, the cross can disintegrate somewhat.

I knew there was a better method, but never knew what it was, until I spotted this on Miss Ellen's blog. I wish I'd seen it sooner, but I shall remember it for next year.


  1. Thanks for the link. As I said, we always made our Palm Crosses by this method and they do tend to stay intact. Have a blessed Holy Week.

  2. Thank you. This is very helpful.

  3. Thanks for posting this Mac. And thanks to Miss Ellen E.

  4. For those who want to broaden their repertoire in palm weaving, there are several sites that give instructions, as well.

    I weave palms every year for our Palm Sunday procession; I've tried to learn a new weave every year.
    This is such a beautiful tradition of our Catholic culture.
    Thanks for posting this, MF!
    It will help to encourage and make known this wonderful art.
