Sunday 24 January 2010

Under Attack...

The Bishops of England & Wales are failing to protect their flock. John Smeaton has an excellent post on the need to stand up for the family and other pro-life issues, and examples of how bishops in other countries are protecting the people in their care... Meanwhile, Fr. John Boyle records his disquiet at the direction being taken by Catholic education...

1 comment:

  1. Whilst Bishops Conferences undoubtly are useful it would be great to see more Bishops like PO'D did at the end of his tenure simply sheparding their diocese, in communion with the Pope, and not abrograting responsibility to or hiding behind their national conference. There are dioceses and the universal Church. I think it was Newman who said "That thing without a soul, a National Church" If something is proposed or said nationally they can and should simply say 'Not in my diocese!'
