Friday 15 January 2010

"Stand Up" Update

First of all, there is a poll on the Stand Up for Vatican II website, asking whether the Church has abandoned Vatican II.

There isn't an option for "No, she merely supports what Vatican II really said, not what people wish it said" and so I had to opt for a simple "no."

Be careful - it's not the petition we want to sign. The poll is in the sidebar below the petition.

There's also a great "Testimonials" page, where people can say why they're standing up for Vatican II. Quite a few of the testimonies are rather different in character to that intended by Bernard Wynne and friends, I suspect...

Finally, it seems that the meeting is no longer to be held at the Convent, but has been transferred to the Combined Suite at the Westminister Thistle Hotel, 49 Buckingham Palace Road (corner of Bressenden Place and Buckingham Palace Road.)

UPDATE: Heheheheheh... it would seem that the authors didn't appreciate losing the poll - it's been removed, and no record of the results has been left (jolly lucky that Fr. Z had the foresight to get a few screenshots!) and the testimonials page also didn't appear to please them, as this has now been taken down... a little churlish of them, but only to be expected...


  1. Perhaps we need an alternative event.
    I suggest: "Will the REAL Vatican 2 stand up?"

  2. Yes I noticed that there wasn't an option to click for what Vatican II said so I also selected no. I've just been on the website and notice the poll is no longer there.

  3. The poll seems to have disappeared this morning from the site. When I last looked it was 93% "NO ! the church has NOT abandoned Vatican 2". Not the kind of result the authors of the site were after.

  4. Alas both the poll and the testimonials section have now been removed from the standup4vatican2 site.

    Do I remember that "resisting the known truth" was one of the four sins against the Holy Spirit?

  5. The hubris of the defeated...

  6. I see there are now some new pages available on

  7. Of course I'm thanking God that this dissenting poll seems to have failed, but Mac, I must offer you belated congratualtions and thanks for this series of 'stand up' posts. They should be printed in every parish newsletter in the Anglophone Catholic world.
    God bless, and keep up the good work.

    God bless.

  8. They don't like it up 'em, Mr Mainwaring!

  9. They didn't publish my polite and encouraging testimonial. I am devastated.

  10. Sadly the testimonials page is gone now too. I suspect it may have been Damian Thompson who tipped it over the edge :)

  11. Have you noticed that, although 182signatures are claimed, only 160 are listed. Yesterday, 175 were claimed and listed. It seems that 22 have been deleted, presumably because comments were given that were uncomfortable for the organisers.

    Actually 160 signatures is fery few, especially as many of them are from abroad. I noticed several that said that the supported the cause, but would not be attending the meeting. On this basis, it would seem that the meeting in London will not be well attended. Maybe 50 people. It is unlikely that the change of venue is because they need a larger hall. I suspect that they have been told that they are not welcome at the convent.

    A thought. It would be quite possible for a few people to go along and vote against the platform.
