Friday 29 January 2010

Stand Up 4 V2... If You Can...!

A short while ago I gave a fair amount of time and attention to the Stand Up for Vatican II crowd - despite my reluctance to give them the oxygen of publicity, I thought that it might help for people to realise that this meeting was being co-ordinated by Catholics for a Changing Church (CCC), a nasty, dissident group, which does NOT have the best interests of the Church at heart, and merely wants to re-create a church in its own image.

For anyone who missed it, the first post was HERE, with two more HERE and HERE. Don't read them if you have problems with high blood pressure...

The meeting was last Tuesday - I've been too ill to give it any consideration, but I will turn my attention to it shortly.

In the interim, I would suggest checking out the rival organisation, GCC4vat2, which, while similar in structure and purpose to CCC, has the advantage of declaring its aims and intentions in a manner devoid of the bureaucratic officialese so beloved of civil servants, bank managers and management consultants...

I particularly enjoyed reading about their Executive Committee...


  1. Get well, soon, Mac. These irritants (with their silly little aims and groupings) will eventually wither on the vine. AND, the cricket season isn't too far away, now !!! There, you're feeling better already, I'm sure.

  2. Who do I see to start up a State-Side chapter?

  3. You may be interested in this site:

    - which is also providing some interesting commentary upon the "standers".

  4. GCC4vat2

    I can't remember the last time I laughed so much!
