Monday 11 January 2010

I Nearly Forgot It's Monday...

Pretending to be a serious blogger with my last few posts, I nearly missed the important stuff: it's Monday, and that means a cat picture...

I also have Bones to thank for nearly spitting my tea over my keyboard when I read his excellent advice on what to do when one's Parish Priest is whisked off to higher things by the Vatican... I quite liked the idea of holding the PP to ransom for an exorbitant sum, bearing the Minor Basilica in mind:

"...With this money you may have lost your beloved Priest, but you can get the marble Sanctuary you always wanted and purchase the most elaborate Church lighting system in human history."

But I digress...


  1. Mac, is that your cat Sylvester over on Fr Ray's blog?

  2. It does look awfully like Sylvester, doesn't it? But if that is Sylvester, then he's learned to bilocate - or he's on a very strenuous commute - as he is still eating me out of house and home!

  3. Sylvester always has that superior look about him. Perhaps he can bilocat and doesn't want you to know. Shout "Brighton" at him and see if he reacts.

  4. I once tried a hand vaccuum on my labrador. It doesn't work.
