Saturday, 15 August 2009

Missa Cantata In Honour Of Our Lady...

I decided to use my snazzy camera during this morning's Missa Cantata for the Feast of the Assumption: well, it's a special day. And, naturally, I wanted to show off my snazzy photos... but thought that another picture post might be a bit much... so I made a slide show video from them.

It took me a while to find some music to go with the photos: I finally decided on a track from an old CD by Vision, a group using the music of Hildegard von Bingen. I'm not sure if it really works, as it sounds a bit new-agey (I haven't listened to the CD in years) but I had fun trying to match up the main photo transitions with the soundtrack.

By the way, the Thurifer is only 7 years old... while the MC has reached the grand old age of eleven!

Friday, 14 August 2009

Photos In The News...

I have to admit, when I first saw this photo, I wondered whether Vincenzo had been busy. Apparently not, but it gave him ideas for another holiday snap...

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Showing Off...

My mother is not into technology. She can use it, when provoked, but it's always under protest. Google searches in my parents' house consist of my mother saying what she wants to know, and my stepfather going off and looking it up on the internet... or, occasionally, phoning me up to ask if I can look it up...

This made showing off my snazzy new camera on my visit less rewarding than it would have been with anyone who likes and understands technological gizmos... after all, the image on the camera viewing screen isn't that impressive, especially if one needs to don glasses in order to see it. My mother also likes to have "proper" photos rather than digital photo frames... and inkjet printer images just don't quite look right.

In an attempt to impress, I took some photos in the garden (focussing on the plums, beetroots and pears especially for Leutgeb) ...

No dice. The pictures were ok, but nothing very spectacular. Then, I had a brainwave. Standing at the bottom of the garden, I took a photo of the top...

And then I used the 3x optical zoom...

Finally, I used the 12x digital zoom...

Being able to pick out a scrappy Yorkshire terrier at the top of the garden while standing at the bottom of the garden did the trick.

Visit To The Seaside...

Going to visit my parents is never really "going home" for me, as my parents moved to Eastbourne several years after I'd flown the familial coop. However, I often refer to Eastbourne as "home" simply because my parents live there... and then I'm surprised when people assume I grew up there.

I do like Eastbourne. The seafront is quite pretty, and the Council have done their best to make sure properties there are kept in reasonably good order. I also like the huge contrasts between Beachy Head, the seafront and pier, and various forest areas, all to be found within twenty minutes' drive.

On my latest visit, I took my snazzy camera. The weather was somewhat changeable, which made the photos of Seven Sisters and Beachy Head look gloriously moody and atmospheric...

Just how changeable the weather was is demonstrated by the fact that I took all the photos in this post between 3:06pm and 3:25pm on Wednesday afternoon, and the only editing I have done is to reduce them in size for the web!

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Tagged For A Meme...

I didn't realise I'd been tagged until today, because Ches didn't actually let me know I'd been tagged, but just sat back and waited for me to find out.

I suppose it is easier than going round to everyone and leaving "tag" comments... but I'm sure it's cheating, really, as is wimping out and saying "you're tagged if you feel like it," as the meme thingy is a way to give people links to other blogs, especially little-known blogs. However, as I've done both in my time, I'm not criticising... honest!

Ok, this meme is seven things I love.

1. The Catholic Church

2. The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite

3. Blogging

4. Reading (ideally by a roaring fire, with a cup of Green & Black's hot chocolate - none of your instant muck - with the wind howling outside and rain lashing against the windows... but central heating is an acceptable substitute for the roaring fire...)

5. Going out for lunch or dinner with friends

6. Caffeine (in any form - coffee, coca cola, hot chocolate, chocolate...)

7. Baileys on ice

Which leaves me with seven people to tag. Not easy, given that this meme has been doing the rounds for a while now...

Ok, I think I'll tag Richard, Fiorella, Laurence (aka Bones), Mike, Jane, Oliver and Adoro. Happy blogging!

Monday, 10 August 2009


I've been a little preoccupied of late, so this slipped under the radar. However, I'm back to blogging, so I thought I'd draw it to your attention, as you responded so generously before.

The wonderful Sisters of the Gospel of Life are in need of baby stuff, as they're running very low on supplies. They don't need baby wipes, but they are asking for other baby toiletries, buggies, cots, baths and high-chairs. The Sisters run the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative, and have saved countless babies from being aborted by offering care, counselling and practical support to young mothers who feel they have no other option but to abort. This practical support extends to helping to find accommodation for young mothers, providing cots, prams, baby clothes and so on.

On their blog, they asked for stuff from anyone in the Glasgow area, but we know from previous experience that Amazon (UK) and Amazon are able to deliver these items, however small the order. The delivery address, if you use this option is

Sisters of the Gospel of Life
106 Dixon Ave
G42 8EL

It is also possible to make a donation via PayPal. The button is on the Sisters' sidebar.

Finally, the Sisters are aware that times are hard, and so they ask for those who cannot afford to send anything to keep them in their prayers. So pop over and tell them that you are praying for them and the work that they do.