Thursday 13 August 2009

Showing Off...

My mother is not into technology. She can use it, when provoked, but it's always under protest. Google searches in my parents' house consist of my mother saying what she wants to know, and my stepfather going off and looking it up on the internet... or, occasionally, phoning me up to ask if I can look it up...

This made showing off my snazzy new camera on my visit less rewarding than it would have been with anyone who likes and understands technological gizmos... after all, the image on the camera viewing screen isn't that impressive, especially if one needs to don glasses in order to see it. My mother also likes to have "proper" photos rather than digital photo frames... and inkjet printer images just don't quite look right.

In an attempt to impress, I took some photos in the garden (focussing on the plums, beetroots and pears especially for Leutgeb) ...

No dice. The pictures were ok, but nothing very spectacular. Then, I had a brainwave. Standing at the bottom of the garden, I took a photo of the top...

And then I used the 3x optical zoom...

Finally, I used the 12x digital zoom...

Being able to pick out a scrappy Yorkshire terrier at the top of the garden while standing at the bottom of the garden did the trick.


  1. Nice zoom but I have to say that the showin' off is definitely of the garden - fantastic! I might be able to get mine to half that stage by next spring if Texas ever gets any rain. I like the little monkey around the corner of the bottom tier.

  2. her pear tree sure does produce a lot of big pears!

  3. What a beautiful garden - someone is obviously a very keen and able gardener.

    I love taking photos of gardens myself. They are great subjects, not moving about just when you're trying to take a shot, unlike people!
