Sunday 22 November 2009

St. Cecilia's Day

It's St. Cecilia's feast day today. Unfortunately, today being Sunday, she gets ignored in the Ordinary Form calendar; I was, however, delighted to hear her mentioned in the second collect at the Extraordinary Form Mass we had this morning in Blackfen. It is one of the (many) things I love about the Traditional Latin Mass: that more than one event can be celebrated on any particular day.

Going through a few old posts, I see that I wrote about the story of St. Cecilia's martyrdom a couple of years ago. I don't know is why she became the patron of Church music, but, as I love to sing, and as most of the songs I know are religious, I have a particular affection for St. Cecilia.

In previous years, when I've renewed my vows, I have had the litany of saints recited, and have been able to choose my favourite patrons. This year I shall be having the litany recited according to the older form, and apparently the list is set, so some of the more recent saints won't get a look in. At least St. Cecilia, being one of the early Roman Martyrs, will still be included!


  1. That first picture's nice....

    Patron Saint of music because she wouldn't stop singing when being beheaded, I understand, from my HoD.

    That third pic may show cuta in her neck.

  2. Thanks for the info Leutgeb... I found the pictures on Google Images... and saw later that you'd picked the same one (great minds and all that!)

  3. Second collect for St Cecilia?

  4. Fr. Brown - it's the old rite celebrated properly... if you catch my drift.
