Thursday 26 November 2009

Happy Feast Day...

Zephyrinus reminded me that today is the Feast of St. Silvester (according to the 1962 calendar), and bade me wish the star of my blog a happy Name Day... I shall have to make sure he gets something nice to celebrate later...


  1. So, not Pope St Silvester I whose feast day is 31st December in both calendars?

  2. No idea... I just know that in the Ordo I checked, St. Silvester is today.

    I also thought the feast was 31 December!

    It is possible there are two St. Silvesters... in which case Sylvester will expect both feasts to be observed!

  3. There are two Sts Sylvester, but I just assumed your dear feline friend was the December one. Silly humans.

  4. That's one mean-looking pussy cat. If he wants two Feast Days a year, that's fine with me.

  5. Kitty looks very smug and content!
