Friday 16 October 2009

I'm A "Distinguished Author"... (heheheheh !)

I posted previously about writing a chapter on Saint Anne Line for a book on English Catholic Heroines.

I couldn't see any mistakes in the proofs I was sent (although my heart is now in my mouth, as I'm sure that something will have slipped through!) and so pretty much forgot about the whole thing. This evening I arrived home to find an invitation to the book launch, at the London Oratory.

Also included was a flyer for the book itself. The publisher's blurb was rather amusing:

In this book a group of distinguished authors with varying interests champion the achievements of twenty-three seminal figures in the history of the English Church, from the seventh century to the present day, who through their Catholic witness have made a contribution to the spiritual, intellectual, ethical and physical welfare of the nation which can be fairly described as "heroic".


I checked out the publisher's website: the blurb for the book is now up, but it's not yet for sale - I think it actually becomes available from November. I have to say that I don't think much of the picture on the front of the book (it's on the flyer, but not on the website) but it might look better "in the flesh" so to speak! The book is edited by Joanna Bogle (of Auntie Joanna Writes) and Fiorella Nash and Sr. Andrea Fraile have also written chapters.

It's rather exciting... If I go to the book launch, I'll take lots of photos...


  1. What do you mean 'IF you go to the book launch'? - I can only imagine that even a whole herd of wild horses wouldn't be able to stop you from attending Mac!

    Yes, and plenty of pics too for us all.


  2. Well, it is mid-week, and I've got an after-school meeting that day, and I might possibly be too tired...


  3. Congratulations! Looking forward to hearing all about the launch and seeing the photos.

    Make sure you have good security when you get asked to sign copies at a well-known bookstore! Hehe :)

  4. Congratulations! Perhaps this is the beginning of something unique in God's plan for you. -- Rosemary in Missouri

  5. Heheheheh... I sincerely doubt that I'll be giving up the day job!
