Saturday 26 September 2009

Memory Lane...

Something or other reminded me of this song by Luther Vandross,

and that in turn triggered the memory of this other song by Mike and the Mechanics...

Of course, what I had forgotten was the reason that I stopped listening to these two excellent tracks: they each reduce me to a blubbering wreck within a few bars. They are, however, very good songs, if you can get past the emotional baggage... or is it because of the baggage?

Blogging is still sporadic because of work pressures, and I'm feeling a teensy weensy bit neglected and unloved... has anyone even noticed my absence from the blogosphere...?



  1. Yes, and not only the blogosphere but also the Twitterspace!

    Now stop sniffing, get your hankie and blow your nose.

    And remember - work is the curse of the drinking classes.

  2. Hi Mac, sorry to see you so sad. Anyway in the '80's I liked Mike and Mechanics too. Especially "Silent Running". Cheerio.

  3. Of course we've noticed your absence! Not least, of course, due to lack of Blackfen liturgical photography... :)

  4. And there was me thinking you were a bit down because the cricket season was ending ...

    Don't worry: over at the Premiership normal service has been resumed!

  5. Ah, there you are Mulier Fortis. Not the same when your blog isn't active. Welcome back. Nice music, by the way.

  6. I have missed you.You are a daily read!

  7. Mac:

    As far as I'm concerned you've never been away. I know where you are, grafting away as a teacher, God bless you. I check your blog every day. Thanks for the videos. The first one completely 'wrecked me'!! God bless and have a good Sunday.

  8. Stop whining! I've missed you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!!!

  9. Yes, I know what you mean about those tracks but we all need a good 'blub' sometimes, I reckon.

    BTW I noticed that you weren't quite as 'profilic' in your blogging recently - but who am I to comment!

  10. I notice all, since I read your blog ever so carefully! ;)

  11. Yes, dammitwoman, you were missed. But since you said "new term" I figured that was it.

  12. Missed you too. Thanks for the plug. I have a loooong way to go to catch up to all of you. As to the cricket season... ours are still chirping. (At least til the first hard freeze)

  13. Of course you were missed!! Thanks for the music and the good cry! Rosemary in Missouri
