Monday 13 July 2009

What Happens At A Sunday Missa Cantata

A while back, I wrote a post about what to do when you attend a usus antiquior Mass for the first time, and what to expect. I also described the differences between a Low Mass, a Missa Cantata and a Solemn High Mass.

Seraphic Spouse (formerly Seraphic Single) has gone one better, and has given a blow-by-blow account of a Sunday Missa Cantata in her parish. I know it has to be Sunday, because she mentions the Asperges.

It is absolutely brilliant, and comes in four parts: part one, part two, part three and part four.

Twitch of the mantilla to Leutgeb... and I shall have serious words, as I want to know why I didn't spot this sooner!


  1. Because you don't read our blog. We've been plugging her for two or three years.

  2. Anonymous9:28 pm

    Thanks for the shout out, Mac. I have been quite enjoying Seraphic's series. It's even funnier when you know who everyone is! ;-P

  3. Oooh, thank you! I am flattered for I know of your fame in these isles and beyond!

  4. Berenike - mea culpa, mea culpa and all that... but, to be fair, I probably culled your blog from my roll during a spate of inactivity... I have reinstated it now!

    Seraphic - I am intrigued (and mightily flattered!)... I was enthusing about your TLM posts to His Hermeneuticalness, so watch out!

  5. Hooray! For I read His Hermeneuticalness almost daily and his friend HIs Zedness (Zeeness?) err... more often then I'd like to admit.

  6. No, I wasn't fishing for a link, I was merely stating a fact :-)

  7. Berenike...

