Saturday 4 July 2009

A Lazy Saturday Afternoon (For Me)...

I had a lovely afternoon, definitely continuing my Birthday Octave. Benediction was well attended and I had the chance to try out my monopod: there weren't any instructions on the box, or in the box, and, at first I couldn't get the thing to stay upright. I discovered that I had the foot-rest round the wrong way... well, I am blonde.

Anyway, I love this shot, which shows the profound reverence one ought to have for the Blessed Sacrament (we'd reached the "veneremur cernui" phrase in the Tantum ergo) ...

And then there was Benediction itself...

After Benediction, the UCM had a Cream Tea event: we started off with sandwiches, and then there was a choice between fruit salad with ice-cream or scones with strawberry jam and whipped cream. You can see which one I chose. The scones were amazingly light and crumbly, the jam was scrumptious and the freshly whipped cream just finished it off nicely.

David, one of our senior servers, was determined to get a photo of my plate in order to make me feel guilty (his fruit salad looked so very worthy by comparison) but I refused to be browbeaten: the parish UCM deserves my wholehearted cooperation, and since I can't cook, the very least I can do is be an appreciative audience...

There was a cake stall, but the ladies who were selling the cakes both proved to be camera-shy, and, understanding their reluctance to be plastered over the internet, I waited until they'd moved off before photographing the wares. We have some seriously good cooks in the parish.

I had planned to buy some cakes with which to finish off my Birthday Octave, but, somehow or other, I got sidetracked... there was a drinks tent in the garden (it was advertised as a beer tent, but, as Jonathan (our senior MC) pointed out, it didn't sell any proper beer) ... I didn't mind, as I was persuaded to try some Pimms. I even ate a bit of fruit which found its way into my glass, so that's my vitamin intake for the month sorted.

Finally, Fr. Tim started putting up posters for the Fourth of July, and, as Meredith is originally from the US, and she always asks after Sylvester, I thought I would take a photo...


  1. Sounds like you had a fantastic day - all the ingredients that make up the very best sort of day off for me too - especially the cream tea .... and Pimms! ;)

  2. Fun day! Glad to see you enjoyed your 4th too!

  3. Anonymous8:24 pm

    How edifying to see so many servers at Benediction....obviously properly trained like we used to be ...I was trained 60 years ago and we answered in latin!. Your group is, I would think, a training ground for future priests! D.v.

  4. I so approve of octave birthday celebrations; we always did that with the children.

    That new camera takes terrific pictures.

    What a wonderful parish you have.

  5. Anonymous2:48 pm

    I think Father Finigan should buy a proper Stars and Stripes and raise it above the English flag, at least on the fourth of July. Well, next year. That's what this American now in America again thinks!

    Father George bloggingMERCY
