Sunday 5 July 2009

Blogging Stats...

My last post has attracted some attention (deservedly so, IMHO, if only for the comments which have ensued!) His Hermeneuticalness even deigned to give me a link... (yes, I grovelled shamelessly... but my stats have gone down a bit since my posting became erratic...)

Now, have a look at the SiteMeter summary, and see if you can work out roughly what time he published his blog post...

Ok, I'm going to throw down the gauntlet to the indomitable Fr. Z, just to observe what sort of a spike I'd get...


  1. Anonymous12:11 pm

    Hi! I'm just one of the wheels on Fr Z's pain train, smashing your statmeter to smithereens. Thanks for the blog!

    Anthony OPL

  2. you're truly shameless! Hey maybe the fame will land you in an anti-catholic video too. :-P

  3. Consider yourself Z'd
