Thursday 18 June 2009

Sylvester In The Spotlight...

A couple of people wanted to know how Sylvester is getting on...

My admission to hospital was a bit of a surprise. Fortunately, I had my mobile with me, and I was able to phone my next-door neighbour. Jan promised to go in and feed Sylvester for me until I came out of hospital.

When I arrived home, there was a frantic note in the kitchen. Sylvester hadn't been seen for his evening meal, and had even missed breakfast. There was no sign of him in the flat. Poor Jan was frantic - there had been an almighty storm in the evening, and the area had apparently been flooded out in several places, and she'd already gone around the nearby blocks searching for him, to no avail.

I was a little concerned when I heard this - it isn't like Sylvester to miss two meals, and he doesn't like being out in rain. However, I checked his food bowls, and noted that he had obviously been in to eat at some time during the day, though he hadn't had much. Jan was still upset, and was getting ready to check the locality again (I was in no fit state to go and look for him myself) when I spotted him sitting outside the catflap, coolly pondering whether or not to come in.

I spent most of yesterday in bed, much to Sylvester's annoyance. I know, from the cat-shaped hump in my duvet covers, that Sylvester likes to sleep in my bed, under the duvet, while I'm out. However, he never seems to do so when I'm in the house, curling up instead on the sofa or the armchair, depending on where I sat last.

This morning, for example, I said my prayers seated in the armchair. Sylvester jumped up, walked onto my lap, curled up, decided he wasn't comfortable enough, got up, walked around the chair, and finally sat on the floor, staring at me. I finished, and went to make a cup of tea.

When I returned, Sylvester was curled up on the armchair, apparently fast asleep.

I considered pushing him off...

...and then went and sat by my computer instead. I know my place...


  1. Prayers headed your way for full recovery!

  2. Mac,
    I haven`t been reading blogs much lately and wasn`t aware of your health problems until our friend and ally Bluesilver told me a couple of days ago. You have my prayers for a quick recovery.

    Aren`t cats funny creatures? I dearly love ours and often wonder what they think of us (probably better off not knowing).
