Sunday 28 June 2009

A Little Light Relief...

Something or other reminded me about the Camp Granada song, and I decided to have a look on You Tube to see if there was a better version. I got sidetracked by these three - Allan Sherman, Dean Martin and Vic Damone - having a whale of a time... is always great to see people really having fun, and these entertainers are having real difficulty keeping straight faces (and one really can't sing with an attack of the giggles!)

The sound quality isn't brilliant, but be patient.


  1. My grandpa had an old Allen Sherman album (later, the same on CD) that we used to listen to all the time, and Camp Grenada was the much-beloved first track! It warms my heart to see it bring delight to others, too. Thanks, Mac! :D

  2. Hey pallie Mac, thanks for sharin' this stellar Dinoclip...just read that Vic loves our Dino....never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool...oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth...

  3. I laughed the whole way through!!
