Thursday 28 May 2009

Not Quite As Planned...

We had hoped to celebrate a Solemn High Mass at the Parish Church this morning, but various events conspired against us.

First of all, one member of the group never made it to Lourdes due to a bout of food poisoning two days before our departure. This was pretty bad luck for him, but also for us, as he was going to lead the chanting of the Mass propers.

Luckily, Leutgeb was also one of the group, and by switching to the Rossini propers, Jacinta and I were able to join her in singing them.We had the Missa de Angelis and Credo III, as most of the children were familiar with these. The acoustics in the Crypt were spine-tinglingly good, and I think we acquitted ourselves well.

The second misfortune to befall us was that Fr. George Byers (a chaplain here for the past two years) was suddenly lumbered with a chaplains' meeting, and so was unable to assist... Solemn High Mass became a Missa Cantata, with Fr. Tim celebrating and Fr. Charles intoning the epistle. The servers did really well, and Mass was superb.

Fr. George joined some of us for a very enjoyable lunch at a local restaurant - I was able to indulge in my favourite dish (roast duck breast.)We had the Rosary at the Grotto and I was able to encourage the children to sit at the front. Fr. Tim blessed the children at the end, and I managed to wave at the camera before and after.

I now need a nap... More later!


  1. I was so pleased, I managed to catch you on the webcam (I'm sure it was you!) but I couldn't get a screen shot. I tried but I suppose it must be a difference process for videos :(

  2. God only allows bad to happen if good is to come from it.
    If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

    Sounds like you're all having a good time. Wish we were there with you.

    Maybe next year?
