Sunday 24 May 2009

Feeling Guilty...

The other day, Delia (a regular commenter on this blog, though not a blogger herself) asked me how Sylvester was doing. I was a little distracted at the time, and told her he was fine...

Well, he's not fine now. He's figured out that something is up, and he is not happy about it. As a result, he's been following me from room to room, demanding attention. I haven't so much as touched my suitcase, so that isn't the thing that's tipped him off.

Anyway, here are a couple of photos of him trying to make me feel guilty...


  1. He's only trying to make you feel guilty and guess what he's succeeding!
    Why didn't you get him a passport and take him with you. LOL

  2. They all have "that look" don't they? The "you are going to throw me out in the snow for a week and not give me any food or water and I will have to drink out of the gutter and eat mice AGAIN, aren't you? [It won't matter if you hand feed them caviar when you get back. Even if the neighbor held him on her lap the whole time, 24/7.]

  3. Poor little lad! But just wait until he gets that nice piece of Gave de Pau fish you bring home ...

  4. What an adorable cat - he could be my cat's younger brother.

    I'm new to this blogging lark and did want to "post" a photo of my own but can't work out how to do it.

    Does Sylvester have a tendency to "disappear" just before you are about to leave home.

    Cats have that knack - you hunt high and low for them then all of a sudden they appear from nowhere!!

    Hope you are enjoying Lourdes.
