Friday 24 April 2009

One Of Those Blonde Moments...

I got home a little late after the St. George's Night celebrations, and, instead of going straight to bed, I thought I would try and update my calendar in Outlook. I normally don't use Outlook, as I prefer Calendarscope for the PC and its mobile device companion, HandySync. I had been told, however, that Google Calendar could synchronise with Outlook, but not with Calendarscope, and I was keen to give it a go.

Unfortunately, somehow or other, I managed to delete all the calendar information from my mobile. I wasn't too worried, because I knew that I still had the information on Calendarscope; so I immediately went and synchronised the mobile and the PC...

... only to watch, aghast, as all the data disappeared from my PC as well... the wretched machines had synchronised the wrong way around!

I also discovered that it had been quite a while since I had backed up my files (I'd gone through a spate of backing up each week, but had gotten lazy, as I had a backup on the mobile!)

So, I've been feeling twitchy all day, desperately trying to remember all my meetings, holiday dates (vitally important) and other important events. Sometimes I wonder if I should just go back to paper and pens!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, sympathies! I use Outlook and find it sychronises beautifully with my Google calendar and my phone. Mind you, being of a naturally cautious nature (neurotic, me?), I also have to put everything on my kitchen calendar and in my little freebie parish diary that I keep in my handbag at all time - just in case :-)
