Saturday 25 April 2009

More Trad Stuff...

We had the Greater Litanies today, with a procession around the car park, followed by Mass for the Rogation Day. Really awesome stuff. Next year, we'll have a procession going around the block...

Nothing much more to say, really. I shall let the photos speak for themselves! Well, ok, maybe just a little background...

We started off the Litanies in the church...

... And then processed outside, around the car park a few times...

... before making our way back into the church.

Mass was pretty much as normal: here we have the incensing of the priest after the Gospel...

And then, after Mass, we had a short service of Benediction...

I apologise if the photos aren't very clear: a combination of dazzling sunlight and clouds of incense. Stunning!

(Apologies if I'm inciting any of my blog readers to envy!!)


  1. Anonymous8:00 am

    Apologies if I'm inciting any of my blog readers to envy!!), but I keep rememebering that I have now promised, at least twice, to visit. I'm off in September, so I ought to make good on that...

  2. How un-Tablet-esque! Where's the power to the people in all this?! Doesn't Vatican II mean anything to you?!

  3. Mea culpa, mea culpa...

  4. We had St. Mark's that day...with a nod to a rogation day.... I guess it depended what the powers that be wanted to do that day and what diocese / country you were in. More on my blog in a bit on this.

  5. How very vertical! I love worship!!! Rosemary

  6. Glad you made this post btw, your post made me aware of that there might be a difference in the US and UK ordos on some of these points.

    Here's my post on the subject.

  7. Anonymous12:27 pm

    Wonderful stuff! I've heard of the choir boys "beating the bounds" of the parish, but a procession around the car park is a great start! :-)

  8. (Apologies if I'm inciting any of my blog readers to envy!!)As St.John of the Cross said "If any envy accompanies charity, it is holy envy, by which they are saddened by not having the virtues of others, rejoice that others have them, are happy that all others are ahead of them in the service of God since they are so wanting in His service."

  9. incensing the priest after the Gospel!!!

    Pre-1962! Bah! Humbug! Just as bad as having liturgical dancers and halloween costumes, mutter mutter.

    Thought I'd get in first :-)

  10. Fr. Tim - better watch out for the Fr. Z and the 1962 police having a collective QF and reporting such "disobedience"...

  11. "Mass was pretty much as normal"

    If only those photos were able to match the 'normal' Masses being celebrated round the rest of the country!

  12. Catholic With Attitude - actually, I think you meant that you wished the other Masses round the country matched the photos rather than the photos matched the Masses around the country, no??

