Tuesday 21 April 2009

Holy Card Blog

I have become more and more fond of prayer cards... the old-fashioned ones, with prayers actually on the front or back, or some important message, rather than the more modern reprints of old cards which are nothing more than pictures.

Don't get me wrong, I like pictures of the saints and Our Lady too, but I like them better if they have a prayer or message.

So I was delighted to find this site: so many of the cards are beautiful, the sort of thing one would want to keep carefully in a breviary or missal.

Twitch of the mantilla to His Hermeneuticalness.


  1. Yes! This site has been one of my favorites for months! I'm so glad you've found it, too. I can only begin to imagine where all these cards have been collected from in the first place!

  2. Mac, these cards are wonderful, the messages lift the spirit. Thank you for this.
