Tuesday 7 April 2009

Blogging Will Be Sporadic...

I normally make a private retreat over the Triduum, starting straight after the Chrism Mass on Thursday and continuing until the end of the Vigil... 

I'm in two minds whether or not to blog. I have to build in some recreation time, and I don't watch TV any more... and I'll be doing quite a bit of reading as part of the retreat... so blogging might be a welcome distraction. However, it's very tempting to check "just one more blog" and I have found, in the past, that I need to avoid emails and phone calls (I live alone, so if I don't avoid emails and phone calls, it's not really much of a "retreat" from everyday life!!) so I might have to limit blogging to reading other people's blogs but not commenting or posting...

I might allow myself a brief post to explain how the Chrism Mass demo went. If any priest readers would like a card, leave a comment in the combox with a contact address (I won't publish them) and I'll send them out after Easter - I'm sure I'll have a few spares!


  1. Blessed Triduum and Easter to you, Mac!

  2. Anonymous2:50 pm

    A blessed and happy Holy Week and Easter, Mac. x
