Thursday 5 March 2009


I was feeling really ill last week. I felt so ill, I actually made the effort to go to see my GP. He listened to my symptoms (feeling dizzy, major headache for two days, pins and needles in one hand) stuck a thermometer in my mouth and told me that I had a temperature of 38.3 °C. This, as one friend informed me, is very nearly 101 F.

I am now much better, though feeling a little washed-out. However, I've noticed a curious side-effect... coca cola, one of my favourite drinks (when I'm not drinking alcohol) suddenly smells petrol-ly. It doesn't taste too great either!

Ok, I know there are a couple of medicos who read this blog... whassup?


  1. Not a doctor, but I play one on the internet. A while back I had contracted a low grade "bug" around the time Barry Nobama was inaugurated. [And about the time I started swimming and losing weight, and having my ab. muscles, stretched, releasing all fluids trapped for ages...] I wasn't nauseous, BUT I had somehow felt like I'd swallowed or inhalled, whatever a weensie bit of gasoline. [Petrol, to you, my dear.]

    This feeling persisted, off and on, until the GWashington Holiday, a few weeks ago. I accidently got dehydrated, and then as sick as I've ever been in my adult life from an intestinal thing. Threw up my lunch, had stuff coming out the other orifice [is that TMI?] and was utterly and completely out-of-it...took me 45 minutes to down some coke to get some fluids into me, before I could drive to home base. I was dead to the world for almost two days - and could gradually start to eat. The "gasoline" taste was finally GONE...and I've been fine since...except for the gurgles I get from the swimming, but that's not unpleasant, so much as loud, but given the inches I've lost, worth it!

    So my guess is either I am highly allergic to Obama or it was some weird bug. Our pastor also reported the same phenomenon of a continual low grade bug for weeks.

    Its been going around. [I'd also noticed the faint gas taste after I had my usual Coke.]

  2. I got sick with a bug this time last week, with the same gasoline taste. I wasn't eating much of anything at all till Monday, and it went away after I had some ramen.

  3. I hope you are getting well. I am sick with a flu right now. My pastor & another staff member of my parish also got sick. So, please stay away from me. But also please say a little prayer for us. I have just said one for you. Take care. God bless.

  4. Drinking Coke might be part of the problem. Any drink made out of smokeless fuel is bound to taste of petrol. There are drinks made out of grapes I could recommend in its stead.

  5. I think your love of Traditional Catholicism may be to blame. My recommendation is attendance at more novus ordo Masses. The more badly celebrated the better.

    Hey, put that brick down - the Mass will take your mind of your fever!
