Monday 9 March 2009

Say It With Flowers...

I really dread it when people give me flowers or plants as a present. It's lovely of them to think of me, and I don't want to appear ungrateful, but they really are a disaster in this house...

One time, I was given a beautiful pot plant with lovely red flowers. Don't ask, because I don't know what plant it was, it just looked very nice. Yes I am a Biology teacher. No, I don't know the name of the plant... it was green with red flowers... you have a problem with that?

Anyway, I placed it on a table in the living room. Gradually, I noticed that the flowers disappeared... not unsurprising, you might think... but there weren't any dead flowers to be seen, and no fallen petals. Then the leaves started disappearing. No sign of dead or fallen leaves.

Eventually I caught Sylvester taking a snack from what he had obviously decided was the kitty equivalent of a salad bar. By this time, the plant was little more than a stick in a pot. He pretty much decimates anything floral. So this little photo made me chuckle...


  1. LOL Mac! Plants don't do too well in this house either, as they don't cry for their food. In the garden, Better Half is king, so they flourish. Phew!

  2. Mac - me too, but it's with Bonsai Trees!

    The poor little things take years of loving care and attention (no doubt from a Mr Miyagi look-alike character of The Karate Kid fame)to reach that point of perfection when some poor misguided soul walks into the shop and thinks, 'Oh my, George will love this Bonsai Tree for his Birthday/Father's Day/Christmas etc...' and then they go and pay heavy £Squids to get it all gift wrapped and bring it to me.
    That's the kiss of death for sure.

    Well - the last one only took me two weeks to reduce to a leafless and lifeless TWIG!!! It's not that I don't care, I just either forget to water, water too much, don't feed, add too much feed, the wrong feed, wrong temperature water, leave in a chilly place, too much sunlight, no sunlight, go away for a week and completely forget to feed and water!!!! Arrrrghhhh! There's a veritable Bonsai graveyard in my garden and I've kept all the miniature pots for replacements - one day, when I'm as old as Mr Miyagi!
    I've killed all these trees yet miraculously all my six children have survived! Thank God for my wonderful wife who always remembers to feed and water the kids (and me!). She was even responsible for almost resurrecting one or two Bonsai until I said that 'I'll take control now' and guess what.... dead! So Mac, you have my sympathy. We'll send you chocolates for your Birthday!

  3. I have trouble with plants also. I want a vegetable garden so badly. But I always neglect to weed it, or water it or do anything except plant the vegetables.

    You were lucky that the plant that you were given wasn't poisonous to cats.
